Feature Request Collecting votes

Using Feature Request Articles

Create Feature Request articles to inform and update customers about features you don't offer yet. Feature Requests can help you determine which products or services customers want most, so you know what to develop next.
Review your top Feature Requests from the Knowledge Base Insights dashboard.

Creating Feature Requests

When you create a Feature Request, you select a status to show customers which stage of development it's in. Choose from Collecting votes, Working on it, Coming soon, or Available.
Check out our best practices for creating Feature Requests.

Voting for Feature Requests

Customers can click Vote at the bottom of Feature Requests to vote for them. When a customer votes or has their ticket linked to a Feature Request, they become a follower of the article. Later, they receive notifications when you update the article's status
Link tickets to Feature Requests whenever customers inquire about features you don't have. You can let them know that they'll receive an update if and when the feature is released.

Feature Request Statuses

Feature Requests display a Status at the top to let customers know about their current stage of development. You can send automatic notifications to followers when you update the status.
Customize the email template you can send to followers when you update the status.